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Free Download: Working Model Guide

Office v Remote v Hybrid Working - Which is Best for Me? 

As you consider your long-term workspace strategy, it’s important to make sure you have the working model that is best for your business.

We'll draw on the insight we’ve gained from helping dozens of companies plan their workspace strategy. We'll also use our own experiences of in-office, remote, and hybrid working to explain the pros and cons of the 3 working models. Using research from academic institutions and software companies, we’ll look at what the data actually says.


  • Working Models rated by 7 key criteria

  • Common Situations for each working model

  • How to choose the best wooking model for your business

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It feels like the office-v-hybrid-v-remote debate has been going on forever. However, it is an important decision that can have a big impact on your company's performance. As you consider your long-term workspace strategy, it’s important to make sure you have the working model that is best for your business.

There are so many biased opinions out there that it can be difficult to know what is actually best for your business. Is the office a waste of money? Is remote working a recipe for lazy staff? Is hybrid working the best of both worlds or a compromise that satisfies neither companies nor staff?

The answer to all these questions is yes and no. It depends on what your office is like and how you expect your staff to use it. Your workplace needs to be designed to maximise staff and company performance. It also needs to be aligned with the way your people are using it.

Although we provide office fit outs and refurbishments across the UK, the purpose of this e-book is not to promote the in-office working model. This is designed to give you the information you need to make the best decision for your company.

The remote vs office vs hybrid debate is about much more than where your staff sit. It involves:

  • Attracting and retaining top talent

  • Building and maintaining culture

  • Improving staff productivity

  • Making sure teams can collaborate effectively

  • Enhancing wellbeing

  • Improving staff engagement

  • Cutting company costs


In this e-book, we’ll go through each of these 7 key categories assessing how good or bad the 3 working models are for each. We’ll then go through each working model and some common situations companies where each is best. Finally, we’ll explain how to choose the best option for your business. Let’s get started!

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