Not all companies want nor do they need a large office space. Whether they have a smaller, growing team or the company size doesn’t need to be particularly big this usually means a smaller office space.
Sometimes this can still be their own individual unit, or sometimes it may mean sharing out a larger building with several other companies. But, regardless of this, you can still create an office design that works for you and is enticing for others, no matter the size.
Often, it can be hard to design a smaller room as you have to be much more considerate of the space that you have, but a small space doesn’t necessarily mean there is only room for desks. There are plenty of ways that you can incorporate everything you need in a small office and still be a fully-functioning business whilst putting your brand across.
Reduce Paper Waste
Need extra storage or looking to get rid of a few units to make room for something else? A surprising way for you to make the most of a small office is to either go completely paperless or make an effort to reduce paper waste. It’s not uncommon for companies to having filing cabinets and drawers full to the brim of paper documents, whether its invoices, paper copies of work or something else.
Few people recognise just the amount of space that these cabinets can take up an office. By going paperless and transferring all of this work online, or by simply going through all of your documents and reducing clutter, you could save room for something more worthwhile.
Smaller Work Stations
Is there a benefit of having lots of big desks with space that people never seem to use? Do your staff never use the drawers that you build under their working space? If you have a fair few members of staff with only limited space to work with, utilise smaller work stations.
Whether this is purchasing smaller desks for individuals or buying a larger desk for several members of staff to sit around, ensure that you’re getting the most out of the working space.
Utilise the Walls
Don’t just think about how you can layout your office in terms of flooring space, think vertically too – those walls are there to be used! Walls don’t need to just purely be for decoration, if you’re stuck for storage space, utilise walls with boxes for things that you don’t necessarily need all of the time. This keeps floor space free for things that need to be accessed more often.
Natural Light
Brighter rooms tend to give the illusion of a bigger space and can help to really open a room up. Make good use of your natural light sources, incorporate daylight bulbs and have light coloured walls to create the image of open space.
Keep It Tidy
This doesn’t just mean making sure somebody goes around with a hoover every few days. Making sure each and every staff member’s workspace is tidy as well as the whole office is important.
Provide desk tidys for those who are a bit stationery happy and ensure all cups, mugs and lunch plates are cleared up to maintain a clean environment. If your workspace is also one where potential clients enter, they don’t want to be seeing a half-eaten sandwich lying on a colleagues desk.
Have you got a small office that you need ideas for? Or perhaps you are just simply stuck with no idea how to approach it? We can help you with your office design needs, no matter how big or small the project. Contact our team today on 020 7856 0460 to see how we can assist.